Japan Film Festival 2016


The Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary and the Japan Foundation are pleased to present this year's Japan Film Festival, with the aim of promoting Japanese film and culture to the public. This year Japanese films will be in presented in both Banff (September 3rd) and Calgary (September 10th) in Japanese with English subtitles. All films are free to attend. Come and join us for some hilarious comedy, touching drama, and lots of samurais and...cats?

See details for respective Calgary and Banff locations below.

In Banff

Venue: Lux Cinema http://luxbanff.com/

Schedule: September 3rd, 2016
                 13:30 Robo-G (2012, Shinobu Yaguchi) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1805492/
                 16:00 Samurai Cat (2014, Yoshitaka Yamaguchi) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3185154/
                 19:00 A Tale of Samurai Cooking (2013, Yuzo Asahara) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2653264/

Japan Film Festival in Banff

In Calgary

Venue: Globe Cinema (http://globecinema.ca/)

Schedule:September 10th, 2016
                14:00 Samurai Cat (2014, Yoshitaka Yaguchi) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3185154/
                17:30 A Tale of Samurai Cooking (2013 Yuzo Asahara) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2653264/
                19:45 Round Trip Heart (2015 Yuki Tanada) http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4396080/

Japan Film Festival in Calgary