Display introducing the life of Mr. Gordon Hirabayashi (April 13, 1918-January 2, 2012)

In June, the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary put up a display introducing the life of Mr. Gordon Hirabayashi, which was borrowed from the Edmonton Japan Cultural Association (EJCA). Mr. Hirabayashi was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in May 2012 for his achievements in protesting the detention of Japanese Americans during World War II in the United States.

Mr. Hirabayashi was a well-known person in the United States, but he worked at the University of Alberta in Edmonton from 1959 to 1983 (Department Chair of Sociology from 1963 to 1970), and has a close relationship with Alberta.

This display will be in the waiting room lobby of the Consulate-General of Japan in Calgary until around autumn of this year, so please take a look if you have the opportunity to visit the Consulate-General of Japan for any consular appointments.